Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Dextab Launches New Features with $TAB Token at the Core

Dextab introduces new trading features with the $TAB token at the core, setting it apart from traditional centralized exchanges. The platform aims to improve user experience, risk management, and community involvement in decentralized trading.

Dextab Launches New Features with $TAB Token at the Core

This news matters because Dextab's innovative features aim to improve user experience, risk management, and community involvement in decentralized trading. The platform's focus on security and control through decentralized smart contracts sets it apart from traditional centralized exchanges.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x3c98a2e9bcba105bc720a5591bd29ebe6e1e5a575bcf38016fabd34b96603c0b
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintknobNP5D-41f659b9b811b22ddc789f460f5b4aea