Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Revolutionary Software Solution TAPPIN Utilizes Fingerprint Recognition for Digital Security

TAPPIN introduces a revolutionary software solution utilizing FIDO2-supported fingerprint recognition devices to protect digital assets. The company aims to provide a seamless and intuitive approach to digital security, empowering individuals and businesses to safeguard their information with confidence.

Revolutionary Software Solution TAPPIN Utilizes Fingerprint Recognition for Digital Security

In today's digital age, the increasing complexity of security threats and the vulnerability of traditional password-based authentication methods make TAPPIN's innovative approach crucial. The software addresses the challenges of managing numerous passwords and offers a more secure and user-friendly solution, impacting individuals, businesses, and seniors alike.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xe2da7e42fc8787b54cd145090f3b441cba0acde67e0471c40a40cf7ff8edb697
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintferniF3M-4cc06c243e6e2be945171f4232eb77e7