Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

RChilli Announces Gold Sponsorship and Exhibitor Role at Ascend 2024

RChilli announces its role as a Gold Sponsor and exhibitor at Ascend 2024, showcasing its latest AI technology innovations designed to revolutionize the HR tech industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge solutions that enhance recruitment practices and streamline hiring processes.

RChilli Announces Gold Sponsorship and Exhibitor Role at Ascend 2024

The participation of RChilli at Ascend 2024 is important as it signifies the company's commitment to revolutionizing the HR tech industry with its AI-driven solutions. The event will provide attendees with the opportunity to explore cutting-edge HR technology and learn how it can enhance their recruitment processes. RChilli's presence as a Gold Sponsor and exhibitor reinforces its position as a leader in the field, and the live demonstrations at booth #512 will offer valuable insights into the future of HR technology.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x8f3600f8ebb5842cead93b5f69b1f1cad890900cb1228db0befa9d6bd274adff
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintlambho5L-f16d4e4667ebad23fcb881ece902c871