Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

30A Distilling Co Launches Unique Rosa Agave Spirit

30A Distilling Co introduces the Grayton Beach Rosa Agave Spirit, a unique Blanco American Agave Spirit rested in a used French Oak Pinot Noir barrel. Made from organic Blue Weber Agave nectar and sustainably harvested Agave nectar from Mexico, the spirit will be released at the distillery's 2nd year anniversary party on April 28, 2024.

30A Distilling Co Launches Unique Rosa Agave Spirit

This news introduces a unique and innovative spirit to the market, offering a new option for Tequila and Mezcal lovers. The launch of Grayton Beach Rosa Agave Spirit provides an opportunity for consumers to savor responsibly with friends and family while enjoying the amazing beach sunsets on the Emerald Coast.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x1e589bafb82ec34133b9b4651e36f2f7e693a596c83c0eb8c24ec8ef6bd609b2
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintyogak_lo-dfbb76e0d5fb10697e99e62edf084488