Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Verity One Launches First Blockchain-Based Nutrient Credits from Chesapeake Bay Oysters

Verity One Ltd launches the first blockchain-based nutrient credits from Chesapeake Bay oysters, promising significant ecological benefits and setting a new benchmark for environmental responsibility and corporate sustainability.

Verity One Launches First Blockchain-Based Nutrient Credits from Chesapeake Bay Oysters

The launch of blockchain-based nutrient credits from Chesapeake Bay oysters by Verity One is a significant step towards environmental sustainability and transparency in supply chains. This initiative promises to restore the bay's ecosystem, reduce nitrogen and phosphorus levels, and set a new benchmark for environmental responsibility and corporate sustainability. By integrating blockchain and AI, Verity One is advancing environmental conservation and reinforcing the reliability and integrity of supply chains, offering a secure and verifiable way for businesses to mitigate their environmental footprint.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x7fea640d7bb91f75e8cb465b14b4a9958397b494b221b86e7727e5580933b852
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintnumbTIRE-4f6d1cd3044c8a168f8f8d1dbee4f740