Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Vayu Robotics Unveils Groundbreaking Delivery Robot with AI Foundation Model

Vayu Robotics introduces the world’s first on-road Delivery Robot powered by an AI robotics foundation model, revolutionizing e-commerce deliveries with cost-effective and reliable technology.

Vayu Robotics Unveils Groundbreaking Delivery Robot with AI Foundation Model

This news matters because it showcases a significant advancement in e-commerce delivery technology, potentially leading to lower costs and faster delivery times for consumers. Vayu's innovative approach could have a major economic and societal impact by enabling the widespread adoption of autonomous delivery robots, benefiting both businesses and consumers.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x1e967fc6f50be60dad895ecea55aac8416ef875112d88fb691e547e0236d766c
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintknot7EJK-71095012c44ef3bec03202d7bc52adfe