Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Lisk and Jamit Revolutionize Podcasting with Decentralized Platform on Layer 2 Ethereum Blockchain

Lisk partners with Jamit to launch a decentralized podcasting platform on Layer 2 Ethereum, offering creators ownership and listeners rewards. This collaboration revolutionizes the podcasting industry, providing cost-efficient tools and fair compensation from the start.

Lisk and Jamit Revolutionize Podcasting with Decentralized Platform on Layer 2 Ethereum Blockchain

This news matters as it signifies a shift in the podcasting industry towards decentralization and fair compensation for creators and listeners. By leveraging blockchain technology, Jamit and Lisk are empowering creators globally, democratizing access to high-quality content creation tools, and reshaping the way audio content is valued and distributed.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xd970560e5bbbd5dbe572d1e4396f8e8489f50933fd34ebf1415b497f08c592b6
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintnumbGS3c-d00388d81dc751ed6b31fe9e288df679