Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Surety Industry Unites on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Key Legislative Priorities

Legislative Fly-In organized by SFAA and NASBP to advocate for surety bonds and key legislative priorities. Learn about the benefits and importance of surety bonds in protecting taxpayers and supporting infrastructure projects.

Surety Industry Unites on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Key Legislative Priorities

This news matters as it highlights the crucial role of surety bonds in protecting taxpayer investments and ensuring project completion. The advocacy efforts aimed at strengthening legislative support for bonding requirements in infrastructure projects have implications for the construction industry, taxpayers, subcontractors, and overall economic growth.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x5850b4f6275030eb97c2ce42c04092e7b57cfb4299c5a73dc9a37b5c8aa7fa66
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintlimeozic-ce8b99485e83604c0cf4221c53305cfd