Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

MevX Unveils New Features to Transform Decentralized Exchange Trading

MevX introduces transformative features - Bubble Maps, Multichart, and Limit Order by Market Cap - to simplify decision-making, enhance efficiency, and empower traders to execute smarter, more strategic trades in the decentralized exchange landscape.

MevX Unveils New Features to Transform Decentralized Exchange Trading

This news matters as it introduces innovative tools that simplify decision-making, enhance efficiency, and empower traders to execute smarter, more strategic trades in the fast-paced crypto markets. Traders can now visualize token holder data, view multiple token charts simultaneously, and set exact market cap targets for their trades, providing them with the features they need to thrive in the decentralized exchange landscape.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2d2243ff9388c7bac836720fb63a646b15e60d2bec46e48063f3e504faee119e
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintcalm6hbH-99e83f954fe74ee311cb86ad9feb1191