Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Bitget Lists Ontology Gas ONG with Stake-to-Mine Benefits on PoolX

Bitget has listed Ontology's gas token ONG on its PoolX platform, offering users the opportunity to stake tokens and earn incentives. This news highlights the continued expansion of Bitget's market share in both spot and derivatives trading, providing users with access to a diverse range of investment options.

Bitget Lists Ontology Gas ONG with Stake-to-Mine Benefits on PoolX

The listing of Ontology's gas token ONG on Bitget's PoolX platform offers users the opportunity to stake tokens and earn incentives, while also contributing to the growth of decentralized finance ecosystems. This news highlights the continued expansion of Bitget's market share in both spot and derivatives trading, providing users with access to a diverse range of investment options. Additionally, Ontology's high-speed, low-cost public blockchain brings decentralized identity and data solutions to Web3, enhancing speed, security, and trust for users and enterprises.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2edb43f1117f2e68ce8fdd62a0d3167517e34269702ca28bac52b66cb6993712
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintepicwUub-09ec2b2e9a91ee8b52cbd39a9b029e73