Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

CV Pad: Reshaping Web3 Investing with Expert-Vetted Opportunities

CV Pad, a new collective launchpad, is reshaping the web3 investment landscape by providing expert-vetted and VC-curated investment opportunities to everyday investors. With the backing of CV VC, CV Labs, and DuckDAO, this initiative has the potential to democratize access to early-stage projects and foster a more inclusive and equitable investment environment.

CV Pad: Reshaping Web3 Investing with Expert-Vetted Opportunities

The emergence of CV Pad signifies a significant shift in the investment landscape, as it opens up high-profile opportunities to casual investors, empowering them to participate in the web3 revolution. This development has the potential to democratize access to early-stage projects and foster a more inclusive and equitable investment environment. With the backing of CV VC, CV Labs, and DuckDAO, this initiative is poised to redefine the way people view and engage in early-stage web3 investing.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x1c4cbf9121ce1b4c34aee45702e76ad8f5b459633fe9255800d76db5063a8d76
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintpinty0i_-9b0f17e38d32f3727d2aaaee7c28d72d