Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

WNY Bus Co. Recognizes Dedicated Drivers for Winter Safety Efforts

Igor Finkelshtein of WNY Bus Co. acknowledges the dedication of bus drivers in Western New York during a tough winter season. The company's initiatives ensure student safety and reliable transportation despite challenging weather conditions.

WNY Bus Co. Recognizes Dedicated Drivers for Winter Safety Efforts

The news highlights the essential role of bus drivers in ensuring student safety during harsh winter conditions. It underscores the commitment of WNY Bus Co. to prioritize safety and support for its drivers, impacting the community by providing reliable transportation services regardless of weather challenges.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x29dfc4e20ab26dd6782edb49fe6b7b206cef97697931f85e80cc836390ecd3e7
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintnukeiHjn-a1b5766f0b35523ae1a7b2b8b54b4786