Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

PipeChina Group Conducts Study on CO2 Pipeline Fracture Testing and Hazard Distance Calculation Model

PipeChina Group study on CO2 pipeline fracture testing and hazard distance calculation model highlights the importance of predicting hazard distances for CO2 leaks. The research findings have implications for environmental safety and the development of carbon capture technology.

PipeChina Group Conducts Study on CO2 Pipeline Fracture Testing and Hazard Distance Calculation Model

This news matters as it sheds light on the significance of predicting hazard distances for CO2 leaks, emphasizing the need for safety measures in the transportation of CO2. The research findings have implications for environmental safety and the development of carbon capture technology.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x69ab581e73cde2ce97e31d8fac6d95f0b725f878bf494b4169977dc4e73d4e1d
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintveilUUeA-dbc7177be55649b262d40d34529b99a8