Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

New PAD Collaborative Heat Map Reveals Risk of Non-Traumatic Lower Limb Amputations

The PAD Collaborative releases an interactive heat map to highlight the risk of non-traumatic lower limb amputations, a severe complication of peripheral artery disease (PAD), offering specific data for each state and aiming to prevent PAD, reduce complications, and improve quality of life.

New PAD Collaborative Heat Map Reveals Risk of Non-Traumatic Lower Limb Amputations

This news matters because it sheds light on the critical need for improved health care services, screening, and education for people at risk or affected by PAD. The heat map serves as a vital tool for health care professionals to become aware of amputation data in their region, allowing them to consider the need for patient and staff education, health programs, community screenings, and outreach concerning research and advocacy.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x9287d7710c85d72fa3b1a6c29b76d1397a54161091a21370f99c9182bd682aa8
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintenvytSdG-a374807bf7d5f400541c2c109b921ead