Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

New AI Healthcare Token UNICE Emerges on Bitget

Discover the new AI healthcare token UNICE, now active on MexC and CoinW, with a confirmed listing on Bitget. Offering innovative features and benefits for token holders, UNICE has the potential to generate revenue and rewards while revolutionizing the approach to healthcare and blockchain technology globally.

New AI Healthcare Token UNICE Emerges on Bitget

The emergence of UNICE on Bitget represents a significant advancement in the intersection of healthcare and cryptocurrency. This AI-based blockchain healthcare messenger service has the potential to revolutionize the approach to healthcare and blockchain technology globally, offering personalized health management solutions and a secure platform for users to manage and monetize their health data. Investors and users alike should take note of the innovative features and benefits that UNICE provides, as it has the potential to generate revenue and rewards while contributing to the advancement of healthcare technology.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xf47dca70e2177bc4594b47f490b4dbfdcb08ab64120064fc12be87eb18b3adcd
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintjinxKQ09-b5d9fefd92b8d41a5d858d8f85fe5d43