Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

UPCX Wallet Launches Public Testnet: Redefining Digital Payments

UPCX Wallet launches public testnet, redefining digital payments with innovative features and enhanced security. Significant step towards full implementation.

UPCX Wallet Launches Public Testnet: Redefining Digital Payments

This news matters as it signals a significant step towards the full implementation of the UPCX Wallet, offering innovative features to enhance user experience and security in digital payments.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x548865d010aeeb0dba3a02a9f4e643df28236b453287b0eabfcbe71775de876f
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintbake0i_z-170b492cb295b3b871c3d47719272967