Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Babaians Law Firm Offers $2,500 'Creating Your Future' Scholarship for Students

Babaians Law Firm introduces 'Creating Your Future' Scholarship for students to win $2,500 by showcasing their academic and career goals through a video essay.

Babaians Law Firm Offers $2,500 'Creating Your Future' Scholarship for Students

This scholarship offers a great opportunity for students to showcase their aspirations and unique perspectives, while also providing financial assistance for their academic journey. It emphasizes the importance of community impact and encourages students to think creatively about their future goals.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x57e767a4d157e1243d16d8f943b73cf98b8644113a62916f620d5e15d8e43292
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprinthint2KAL-37f84a3c07070e11e7e947e451c2a98e