Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

OCA Election Committee Confirms Raja Randhir Singh as Sole Candidate for Presidency

OCA Election Committee confirms Raja Randhir Singh as the sole candidate for the presidency of the Olympic Council of Asia, shedding light on the election process and eligibility requirements.

OCA Election Committee Confirms Raja Randhir Singh as Sole Candidate for Presidency

This news is important as it highlights the confirmation of Raja Randhir Singh as the sole candidate for the OCA presidency, shedding light on the election process and the eligibility requirements. It also showcases the significance of the OCA General Assembly and the role of the Election Committee in evaluating the nominations for key positions within the OCA.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2e1b35826a72c48076215e003916efe6e221df529c8748f2f7168277077cc7d0
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintchip3vXv-390914e22ba81e3512fae4239766562e