Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

VPR Brands Takes Legal Action to Protect Vaping Technology

VPR Brands files new infringement cases to protect their proprietary vaping technology and maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly expanding vaping market.

VPR Brands Takes Legal Action to Protect Vaping Technology

This news matters because it highlights the company's commitment to protecting their technological innovations and maintaining a competitive edge in the vaping market. It also sheds light on the ongoing legal battles in the vaping industry and the importance of safeguarding intellectual property.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x0a9b74f2374af180a0d84eba6e4852938eb06792d1c5f03bf7833235e0476fdb
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintkissPjua-2d8e20e8cf6ffcca7a1fe48166b3a811