Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Golden Heaven (NASDAQ: GDHG) Sees Growth as Chinese Amusement Park Demand Rises

Chinese amusement park demand rises as Golden Heaven (NASDAQ: GDHG) sees growth, positioning for profitable 2024

Golden Heaven (NASDAQ: GDHG) Sees Growth as Chinese Amusement Park Demand Rises

The increasing popularity of amusement parks in China, fueled by a shift towards local entertainment and limited travel options, presents significant opportunities for companies like Golden Heaven. As the company expands its presence and secures recurring revenue through lease agreements, it is positioned for profitable growth in 2024, indicating a positive impact on its business and the amusement park industry as a whole.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x3ac741c0d4a3abba049fde13c5b5f42d8eadd47c6ac3f5d024472fed879953a8
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmaskF4K5-354b133fbd38714c8a6bfc81c13373ea