Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Wire Network Introduces Universal Transaction Layer to Address Blockchain Trilemma

Wire Network introduces the Universal Transaction Layer (UTL) to address the blockchain trilemma and interoperability issue, enabling fast, secure, and seamless cross-chain transactions. This news highlights the innovative solution of Wire Network and its impact on the emerging agentic economy.

Wire Network Introduces Universal Transaction Layer to Address Blockchain Trilemma

This news matters as it highlights the innovative solution of Wire Network to address crucial issues in blockchain technology. It impacts the reader by providing insights into the advancements in cross-chain transactions and the support for the emerging agentic economy.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xf5cb42136a216fbf59524810c2b24e1bdc12bfc5f8a3589eaf990c49da53904d
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmailoXoW-b749fc083ed6b3734dcd03d0eb3e5049