Blockchain Registration Transaction Record Acquired by Private Investment Group, Rebrands to SpotSource Inc., a leading public rating and review platform for marketing and IT agencies, has been acquired by a private investment group. Following the acquisition, the parent company will rebrand to SpotSource Inc., reflecting the company's strategic focus on its core business: SpotSource, a leading enterprise service supplier management (SSM) software platform. Acquired by Private Investment Group, Rebrands to SpotSource Inc.

The acquisition and rebranding of to SpotSource Inc. marks a significant shift in the industry, as it enables the platform to focus on championing verified customer reviews within the service provider selection process. With the increasing demand for effective service supplier management solutions in the professional services sector, this move is crucial for businesses looking to streamline their procurement process and manage their service provider relationships more efficiently.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x53e780be65793201d35fd261ab70dbcc8c5fb332cdc5b506d2e8d6945283e2f9
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintnumby4je-c1d8aeb5de7c85fca8f61b23f134b4b8