Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

New Evidence Uncovered in Siegelman and Scrushy Trials

Attorney Gallion to reveal shocking new evidence in Siegelman and Scrushy trials during press conference livestream on March 6th.

New Evidence Uncovered in Siegelman and Scrushy Trials

This news reveals surprising developments in high-profile trials that could have significant implications for the individuals involved and the legal system.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xd5a6f8d053d3a0569bba4d443a950b822aa63aea465d839622fceba2c523813e
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintgain6a25-a4561d9a20337b5be5cd16817390fe03