Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

TRON DAO Shines at Harvard Blockchain Conference and New Builder Tour Stop

TRON DAO shines at the Harvard Blockchain Conference, featuring the Platinum Sponsorship and new Builder Tour stop. The news highlights funding opportunities and TRON's commitment to blockchain technology.

TRON DAO Shines at Harvard Blockchain Conference and New Builder Tour Stop

The news showcases the growing influence of TRON DAO in the blockchain space, providing opportunities for networking, education, and collaboration. This impacts readers by highlighting new developments and funding opportunities within the blockchain ecosystem, as well as the commitment of TRON DAO to advance blockchain technology and nurture a global community of innovators.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x2d7ba425593f0f56414144b8e7225b469911e883a9130eabc211f1b43120e209
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintwolfMa2K-3a6497e7a6bbb8ce2a273b8146a745b5