Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

UGI Utilities, Inc. to Begin Gas Main Replacement Project in Coplay

UGI Utilities, Inc. announces gas main replacement project in Coplay with opportunities for natural gas conversion. Learn more about the impact on streets and how to get involved.

UGI Utilities, Inc. to Begin Gas Main Replacement Project in Coplay

This news matters as it highlights UGI Utilities, Inc.'s commitment to providing safe and reliable service in the community. The project not only improves infrastructure but also offers residents and businesses the opportunity to switch to natural gas, potentially benefiting them in the long run.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xf4de3c436b65ddd69fb13c3fe003f1fd65d2cb6ae19cbfff40250d55b8354664
NewsRamp Digital FingerprinttallhqNB-6c0bd45b06acb8bf7c929135c6db08bc