Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

OYO to Add 250+ Hotels in US in 2024, Expanding Footprint

OYO's US operations to add 250+ hotels in 2024, focusing on new and existing markets including Miami, New York City, San Francisco. Partnership with Stripe and launch of virtual front desk solution to enhance payment experience and streamline operations for hotel owners.

OYO to Add 250+ Hotels in US in 2024, Expanding Footprint

The expansion of OYO's US operations will provide more affordable and trusted accommodation options for customers across the country, while also generating significant revenue uplift for hotel partners. The partnership with Stripe and the launch of a virtual front desk solution will enhance the payment experience for customers and streamline operations for hotel owners, ultimately improving the overall guest experience.

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Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xc82def128d9ccabcb022e8d1051c1a95cf868e1ed52f8089655ec5dbcb2a0d62
NewsRamp Digital Fingerprintcalm60Jo-46c42365c7bc458f2cf97d0a7a5e48fd