Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Groundbreaking Art Book Explores Impact of Tribal and Ancient Art on Human Behavior

Explore the impact of tribal and ancient art on human behavior with the groundbreaking art book, The Commonality of Humans Through Art. Discover how art has shaped human behavior over 30,000 years.

Groundbreaking Art Book Explores Impact of Tribal and Ancient Art on Human Behavior

This news matters as it brings readers an opportunity to uncover the common creative threads that connect us all and provides valuable insights into how art has influenced human life over the past 30,000 years.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x3e285f79dbf5d47f37bbb2d8e8c0669da150827a1c69fdb761260acc9fadf5e8
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintdaveMdEq-d23b556f807403e5562a347c2b554a6a