Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 25, 2025

Van Horn Law Group Achieves Notable Student Loan Discharge Under Evolving Federal Guidelines


  • Van Horn Law Group leads in student loan bankruptcy advocacy, providing a competitive edge for borrowers seeking relief.
  • By submitting evidence of undue hardship, borrowers like Teodor Feher can seek federal student loan discharge under revised guidelines.
  • The evolving federal policy offers hope to individuals like Teodor Feher burdened by student debt, paving the way for a better financial future.
  • Attorney Chad Van Horn's successful discharge of $35,313 in student loans showcases a positive shift in student loan bankruptcy landscape.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights a significant shift in the landscape of student loan bankruptcy, showcasing the positive impact of the DOJ and DOE's revised guidelines. The successful discharge of $35,313.00 in federal student loan debt provides hope for individuals struggling with student debt burden, setting a precedent for future cases seeking relief. The evolving federal policy signals a more favorable environment for borrowers navigating the complexities of student loan discharges.


Firm founder and attorney Chad Van Horn successfully positioned client Teodor Feher for a $35,313.00 federal student loan discharge, as ordered by Judge Scott M. Grossman. This case (No. 24-10686-SMG, Adv. No. 24-01334-SMG) underscores the impact of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Education’s (DOE) updated approach to determining “undue hardship,” offering renewed hope for individuals burdened by overwhelming student debt. This outcome signals a positive trend for borrowers seeking relief. Van Horn Law Group is at the forefront of this evolving landscape, providing expert guidance and advocacy.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Van Horn Law Group Achieves Notable Student Loan Discharge Under Evolving Federal Guidelines

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