Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
December 13, 2024

V-GREEN and Prime Group to Develop 100,000 EV Charging Stations in Indonesia


  • Developing 100,000 charging stations in Indonesia provides a competitive advantage by facilitating the shift towards electric vehicles.
  • The collaboration between V-GREEN and Prime Group aims to establish 100,000 charging stations in Indonesia within the next three years.
  • The development of 100,000 charging stations in Indonesia will make the world a better place by driving the green transition and supporting sustainable mobility for Indonesian consumers.
  • V-GREEN and Prime Group's collaboration to develop 100,000 charging stations in Indonesia is an interesting step towards accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in the region.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it signifies a significant step towards accelerating the green transition in Indonesia and addressing the underdeveloped charging infrastructure. The establishment of a robust charging network will unlock the full potential of the EV market and ensure a seamless EV experience for Indonesian consumers.


V-GREEN and Prime Group have signed an MoU to develop 100,000 charging stations in Indonesia to drive the green transition. This initiative aims to address the underdeveloped charging infrastructure, which is crucial for widespread EV adoption in the country. The total estimated investment for this project is up to $1.2 billion.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Evertise Digital. Read the source press release here, V-GREEN and Prime Group to Develop 100,000 EV Charging Stations in Indonesia

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