Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
December 09, 2024
Puerto Rico Blockchain Week Attracts Keynote Speakers and Crypto Enthusiasts for Eighth Year
- Attendees will gain valuable insights from top cryptocurrency experts at Puerto Rico Blockchain Week, positioning them ahead in the crypto market.
- Puerto Rico Blockchain Week features multiple events and sessions, including keynote speakers, panels, and startup presentations.
- Puerto Rico Blockchain Week brings together crypto enthusiasts and experts to share knowledge and foster innovation in the cryptocurrency space.
- Puerto Rico Blockchain Week offers a unique opportunity to immerse in the world of cryptocurrency, with events ranging from conferences to parties.
Impact - Why it Matters
This news matters to anyone interested in cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and the intersection of investors and startups. The event provides valuable insights from industry leaders and the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.
Puerto Rico Blockchain Week kicks off for its eighth consecutive year, drawing more than 1,000 attendees. The event features keynote speakers including Dan Morehead, Brock Pierce, and Michael Terpin, along with panels on various crypto-related topics. The week concludes with the Limitless Crypto conference.
Source Statement
This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Puerto Rico Blockchain Week Attracts Keynote Speakers and Crypto Enthusiasts for Eighth Year