Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
December 20, 2024
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Kaiser for Hearing Aid Exclusion
- Challenging Kaiser's hearing aid exclusion in a nationwide class action lawsuit can give hearing disabled enrollees access to prescription hearing aids, potentially leveling the playing field.
- The lawsuit is the first to bring a disability discrimination claim under the Affordable Care Act on behalf of hearing disabled enrollees who need prescription hearing aids, following a similar case in Washington.
- This lawsuit aims to end discrimination against enrollees with hearing disabilities and ensure that Kaiser ends its discriminatory practices, making healthcare more inclusive for those with hearing disabilities.
- The lawsuit is a groundbreaking effort to address discrimination against disabled people by the health insurance industry, seeking to make sure Kaiser ends its discriminatory practices now.
Impact - Why it Matters
This news matters because it sheds light on the ongoing discrimination against hearing disabled individuals by health insurance companies. The outcome of this lawsuit could potentially set a precedent for fair and equal coverage of prescription hearing aids, impacting the lives of many individuals who rely on them for daily communication and work.
Jason Delessert, a Burien Washington resident with hearing loss, has filed a nationwide class action lawsuit challenging Kaiser's Hearing Aid Exclusion. This is the first lawsuit of its kind to bring a disability discrimination claim under the Affordable Care Act on behalf of hearing disabled enrollees who need prescription hearing aids. Despite a previous case settlement, Mr. Delessert was not included and is now seeking justice.
Source Statement
This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Kaiser for Hearing Aid Exclusion