Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
January 31, 2025

American Heart Association Launches Life Is Why Campaign to Fight Cardiovascular Disease


  • Support the fight against cardiovascular disease by donating at checkout, in-store, and online during American Heart Month.
  • American Heart Association collaborates with retailers to give consumers a chance to be part of overcoming health challenges.
  • Donations support 2028 Impact Goal for breakthroughs in science, policy, and care for healthier people and communities.
  • Retailers like AT&T and CVS Health join Life is Why campaign to share personal stories of survival and strength.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights the alarming rate at which cardiovascular disease is expected to affect U.S. adults and the importance of raising awareness and funds to combat this health issue. The collaboration between the American Heart Association and various retailers provides an opportunity for consumers to contribute to the fight against CVD and support research efforts for healthier lives.


More than 6 in 10 U.S. adults will develop cardiovascular disease within the next 30 years, prompting the American Heart Association to launch the Life Is Why campaign in collaboration with retailers. The campaign allows consumers to support the fight against CVD by donating at checkout, in-store and online, while celebrating personal reasons for living healthier lives. Companies like AT&T, CVS Health, and Orangetheory Fitness are among those participating in the campaign.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by NewMediaWire. Read the source press release here, American Heart Association Launches Life Is Why Campaign to Fight Cardiovascular Disease

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