Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
November 21, 2024
340Bwell Presents Latest Research for Optimizing STD Clinics at Global HIV and AIDS Conferences
- 340Bwell showcased cutting edge research at global HIV/AIDS conferences, positioning themselves as leaders in STD clinic optimization.
- The research involved using regular client demographic and clinical data to uncover findings related to PrEP retention and appointment scheduling dynamics.
- 340Bwell's innovative solutions aim to improve patient outcomes, clinic efficiency, and care access, ultimately advancing healthcare for underserved populations.
- The Bwell team presented a novel telehealth model for PrEP service delivery and highlighted the paucity of research on PrEP retention in the global south.
Impact - Why it Matters
These findings and models can influence the way clinics can optimize their resources and improve the efficiency of patient care. The research presented at the global HIV and AIDS conferences aims to reduce the impact of HIV for those who live with it or are vulnerable to it, ultimately advancing healthcare for underserved populations.
340Bwell, a leader in the 340b consulting and solutions, presented their cutting edge research in two major global HIV/AIDS conferences - HIV4Prevention Conference held in Lima, Peru; and Fast Track City Conference held in Paris, France. Building upon the foundation of promoting evidence decision making within the organization and among its clients – that includes leading STD clinics of the United States – 340bwell team used regular client demographic and clinical data to uncover a diverse range of findings. In the Fast Track City Conference, the Bwell team presented a poster that highlighted the paucity of research on PrEP retention in the global south. The poster was the outcome of a systematic review being conducted by the team that examines PrEP retention and analyses the way researchers and practitioners measure it and define it. The poster revealed that the majority of the studies (>50%) were in the United States. The other two countries with a relatively large number of studies were South Africa (14.2%) and Kenya (12.5%). Bwell Managing Partner Mark Erwin also delivered a presentation on a novel telehealth model for PrEP service delivery that deployed an in-house assembled testing kits to save on cost and to expand access. In the HIV4Prevention Conference, two posters were presented. The first focussed on the science and dynamics of appointment scheduling – demonstrating that the association between client showing up and day of appointment, time slot, chosen, and if the appointment was in-clinic or telehealth was statistically significant. The second poster aimed to test the accuracy of a model that could predict if the client will show up or not using machine learning – deploying routine data. Considering that The United States' PrEP clinics have high no-show rates and not only do cancellations or no-shows result in lost opportunities to connect patients to PrEP therapy, but they also waste clinic time and resources – these findings and models can influence the way clinics can optimize their resources. Mark Erwin, the managing partner of the company said “We are excited to present evidence generated by our team at such esteemed global platforms and at the same time, learn from researchers across the world. It is truly a joyful experience to be around HIV/AIDS advocates and scientists with the common goal of reducing the impact of HIV for those who live with it or are vulnerable to it.”
About 340Bwell: 340Bwell is a consulting firm specializing in optimizing 340B drug pricing programs for HIV and STD clinics. They use data-driven strategies to improve patient outcomes, clinic efficiency, and care access. Their innovative solutions have been presented at global HIV/AIDS conferences. 340Bwell is committed to advancing healthcare for underserved populations.
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Source Statement
This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, 340Bwell Presents Latest Research for Optimizing STD Clinics at Global HIV and AIDS Conferences