Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Celebrate the Third Annual California State Parks Week, June 12-16, 2024

Join the celebration of California State Parks Week, June 12-16, 2024, and immerse yourself in the beauty and significance of the state's protected spaces, including its state parks. Experience the wonder and sense of community that the outdoors provide to Californians and visitors from all over the world.

Celebrate the Third Annual California State Parks Week, June 12-16, 2024

The California State Parks Week is an opportunity for residents and visitors to fully immerse themselves in the state's protected spaces, including its state parks. The event aims to celebrate the wonder and sense of community that the outdoors provide to Californians and visitors from all over the world. It also highlights the diverse natural and cultural heritage preserved within California's 280 state parks.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0x01646e679155131f86b25cfe157351cde73d1cb6160ead32de2390c8df7edc77
NewsRamp Digital FingerprintmilkSGjT-da84d051d9c74da168206643c1d825ef